Alex Reynard

The Library

Alex Reynard's Online Books


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Chapter 94

Three and a half miles above, Piffle and George were pleased to see Junella and Zinc taking so well to flight. Junella's new wings were glistening black, grooved the same as her skin. They reflected dazzling sparks of starlight. Piffle had expected Zinc's to come out like a devilish bat, but instead he held himself aloft on stainless white angel feathers.

He ran a comb over his new chrome pompadour. It screeched across the metal like nails on a chalkboard.

Junella winced. She glared at the other shiny thing he'd made from imaginite just before they left. "With your sideways-ass elbows, you know you can't swing that damn thing."

He looked at her unconcernedly and popped a gum bubble. "I only gotta swing it once."


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